North Shore-Boston Chapter


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         TCF Mission and Credo             

Principles of TCF


Chapter Locator


The Compassionate Friends
North Shore - Boston Chapter

Grief Support after the Death of a Child

This website is dedicated to the memory of all of our children.




The Compassionate Friends is a non-profit organization. 

Our chapter relies on donations to cover our operating expenses,

including meetings, newsletters, website and events. 

We are grateful for whatever you are able to contribute.

Love Notes

The Love Notes section of our chapter newsletter is where our members, for a donation of any amount,

can post personal messages in memory of their children / grandchildren / siblings.

Click below to submit a Love Note:

Love Notes

Website Sponsors

In order to help cover our website host server and domain name fees, our members are invited to sponsor

our chapter website for 1 month in memory of their children / granchildren / siblings.

The monthly website sponsorship donation is $25 per member and

the maximum number of sponsors per month is 2.

For additional information about sponsoring our chapter website, click here:

Website Sponsors

General Donations

To make a General Donation to the North Shore-Boston Chapter of TCF, complete the Donation Form below.  When the form has been completed, click on the Donate button.  You will then be transferred to our chapter PayPal account, where you will be able to process your payment.


For instructions to make your payment through PayPal, click here:

Steps to Donate online without a PayPal account


THANK YOU for supporting our Chapter!