North Shore-Boston Chapter


National TCF Website


         TCF Mission and Credo             

Principles of TCF


Chapter Locator


The Compassionate Friends
North Shore - Boston Chapter

Grief Support after the Death of a Child

This website is dedicated to the memory of all of our children.


The Mission of The Compassionate Friends is to assist families toward the positive resolution of grief following the death of a child of any age and to provide information to help others be supportive.

We are a national, nonprofit, self-help organization that offers friendship, understanding and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings. Our meetings are open to all family members who are grieving the death of a child, grandchild or sibling. There is no religious affiliation and no dues or fees.





Since April 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our chapter stopped holding in-person meetings and began holding bi-monthly online video meetings.  Starting in January 2021, we added one in-person meeting per month to our meeting schedule.  

In recent months, our in-person meetings have received greater attendance than our online video meetings. Because of this change, we have decided to hold two in-person meetings and one online video meeting each month, starting in June 2024.

The in-person meetings will be held on the first Monday and third Wednesday of each month.  The online video meetings will be held on the 4th Wednesday of each month.  If any of the meeting dates conflicts with a holiday, the meeting will be rescheduled.

Sibling online video meetings will continue to be held on the third Wednesday of each month.

More detailed information about our upcoming chapter meetings can be found below in the chapter Meeting Updates column

An email invitation will be sent to members prior to each meeting.  You may also request an invitation by emailing to let us know that you would like to participate.


We are currently in need of help with managing our chapter website. If anybody has interest in helping out, please contact our Website Manager via email:

Also, in order to help cover our chapter website fees, we invite our members to sponsor our website for 1 month in memory of their children, grandchildren or siblings.  The monthly website sponsor donation is $25 per member and the maximum number of sponsors per month is 2.  Sponsors may post a message to their children, grandchildren or siblings; this message will be displayed in the Website Sponsor column on the Home page of our website and will also appear in our chapter newsletter.

If you would like to sponsor our chapter website, please contact our Website Manager via email:

Website sponsor signup sheets are also available at our in-person meetings.


In addition to our chapter meetings, other support options are listed below:


1) TCF Live Chats  

The National TCF website offers scheduled Live Chat sessions on different days and with different topics.  The details can be found here: 

 National TCF Live Chat Schedule


2) Private Facebook Groups  

TCF offers several private Facebook groups facilitated by bereaved parents, grandparents or siblings. They can be accessed here: 

TCF Private Facebook Groups


3) TCF North Shore-Boston

             Facebook Page  

Our chapter has its own Facebook page that is active with members from our chapter. You can access it here:  

TCF North Shore-Boston

Facebook Page


Website Sponsor Messages


Our website is sponsored this July in loving memory of:





There are some who bring

a light so great to the world,

That even after they are gone,

the light remains.


Alyssa May Joy

August 20, 1974 - November 14, 2022


Love you always and forever,







You would have turned 30 this year.

Your twin brother mentioned to me

a few years ago that he hates

celebrating his birthday because

it’s not fair that he got to keep living

and you didn’t. 

You will always be a part of us.



As your nephew and niece are growing,

our memories of when you were their age

pop into our heads more frequently . . .

so many happy ones. 

You are an incredible gift to our family. 

We are forever united.

We send our love to both of you!

Mom & Dad, Dave,

Kelly, Ian, Tom & Nell


Meeting Updates


Our August 2024 chapter meetings will be held on:


Monday - 8/5/24 - 7:00 PM
 In-Person Meeting 
Please contact
if you would like to attend
Topic:  Sibling Panel Presentation
Wednesday - 8/21/24
In-Person Meeting - 7:00 PM
Please contact
if  you would like to attend
Topic:  Open Sharing Session
Sibling Online Video Meeting - 7:30 PM
(Email invitation to follow) 
You may also contact
to request an invitation
Topic:  Feeling Ovelooked / Forgotten
in Your Grief
Wednesday - 8/2824
Online Video Meeting - 7:00 PM
(E-mail invitation to follow)
You may also contact
to request an invitation
Topic:  Open Sharing Session 

Click here for our 2024 schedule: 
Meetings & Events

In the event of inclement weather, necessitating the closing of North Reading public schools, our chapter meetings will also be canceled.

Event Updates


See information below on upcoming TCF events:






9:00 AM - 12:00 PM




Click here for additional information:

Walk To Remember