North Shore-Boston Chapter


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         TCF Mission and Credo             

Principles of TCF


Chapter Locator


The Compassionate Friends
North Shore - Boston Chapter

Grief Support after the Death of a Child

This website is dedicated to the memory of all of our children.


Meetings and Events


In-person chapter meetings are held on the 1st Monday and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM.  Sibiling online video chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM.  

Online video chapter meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at:

Aldersgate United Methodist Church
235 Park Street (Route 62)
North Reading, MA

*When the meeting date falls on a holiday, the meeting will be held on an alternate date. Please check the meeting schedule.

*In the event of inclement weather necessitating the closing of North Reading public schools, our chapter meeting will also be canceled.

Our meetings are open to all bereaved parents whose children have died at any age from any cause. You are welcome to attend, no matter how much time has passed since your child has died. Siblings and grandparents are also welcome. If you are uncomfortable attending alone, feel free to bring a friend or relative to support you.

Our meetings usually consist of sharing sessions facilitated by bereaved parents who are further along on their grief journey. We sometimes select a specific topic to start off our group discussion, but our discussions are not limited to that particular topic. We try to meet the needs of everyone who attends the meetings. 


We usually begin each meeting by introducing ourselves and our children, siblings or grandchildren who have died. We try to give everyone an opportunity to share personal experiences and feelings related to the death of their loved one, but no one is required to speak. Sometimes it is helpful just to listen.

Our meetings offer a safe place for us to talk about our feelings with others who truly understand. In order to ensure the comfort and trust of our members, we adhere to the following ground rules:

  • Please be respectful of the other members of the group.
  • Please refrain from judging or criticizing others.
  • Please avoid side conversations with others while a member is speaking.
  • Please silence all cell phones during the meetings.
  • Please treat what is shared at the meetings as confidential.

Feel free to come a little early or to stay for a while after the sharing session to browse through our lending library. Refreshments and opportunities to converse with individual members are also available after the meetings. No two meetings are the same. It is best to try to attend a few meetings before deciding whether or not The Compassionate Friends will help.

For more information about TCF meetings from the TCF National Web Site please click here:
Frequently Asked Questions



2025 Meeting and Event Schedule




Monday, 3/3/25

7:00 PM

In-Person Meeting 

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  How Our Relationships Have Changed                        

Wednesday, 3/19/25

In-Person Meeting - 7:00 PM   

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  How Will I Be Feeling in the Years to Come?                        


Sibling Group Online Video Meeting - 7:30 PM

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Navigating Other Relationships Our Siblings Had

Wednesday, 3/26/25

7:00 PM

Online Video Meeting  

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  Open Sharing Session                     

Monday, 4/7/25

7:00 PM

In-Person Meeting 

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  Men / Women (split groups)                       

Wednesday, 4/16/25

In-Person Meeting - 7:00 PM 

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic: Open Sharing Session                         


Sibling Group Online Video Meeting - 7:30 PM

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Dealing With the "What If's?"

Wednesday, 4/23/25

7:00 PM

Online Video Meeting  

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  How Grief is Affected by Seasonal Changes                        

Monday, 5/5/25

7:00 PM

In-Person Meeting 

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  Open Sharing Session                        

Wednesday, 5/21/25

In-Person Meeting - 7:00 PM  

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic: Coping With Everyday Life                          


Sibling Group Online Video Meeting - 7:30 PM

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Open Sharing Session



Wednesday, 5/28/25

7:00 PM

Online Video Meeting   

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Family Vacations and Gatherings                    

Monday, 6/2/25

7:00 PM

In-Person Meeting

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  The Emotional Roller Coaster                          

Wednesday, 6/18/25

In-Person Meeting - 7:00 PM 

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Open Sharing Session                         


Sibling Group Online Video Meeting - 7:30 PM 

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Secondary Losses

Wednesday, 6/25/25

7:00 PM

Online Video Meeting    

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  Family Dynamics                     

Monday, 7/7/25

7:00 PM

In-Person Meeting 

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  Open Sharing Session                        

Wednesday, 7/16/25

In-Person Meeting - 7:00 PM 

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic: Finding Hope After Loss                         


Sibling Group Online Video Meeting - 7:30 PM 

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Does the Way Our Siblings Died Affect Our Grief?



Wednesday, 7/23/25

7:00 PM

Online Video Meeting    

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  Open Sharing Session                      

Monday, 8/4/25

7:00 PM

In-Person Meeting

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  Open Sharing Session                         

Wednesday, 8/20/25

In-Person Meeting - 7:00 PM    

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Anger / Guilt / Regrets                         


Sibling Group Online Video Meeting - 7:30 PM

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Feeling Overlooked / Forgotten in Your Grief

Wednesday, 8/27/25

7:00 PM

Online Video Meeting    

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Open Sharing Session with Photos of Your Child                     

Tuesday, 9/2/25

7:00 PM

In-Person Meeting

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  Facing Difficult Dates                         

Wednesday, 9/17/25

In-Person Meeting - 7:00 PM 

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic: Open Sharing Session                           


Sibling Group Online Video Meeting - 7:30 PM 

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Dealing With Other Family Members' Grief



Wednesday, 9/24/25

7:00 PM

Online Video Meeting  

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Open Sharing Session                     

Monday, 10/6/25

7:00 PM

In-Person Meeting  

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  Circumstances of Our Loss

Wednesday, 10/15/25

In-Person Meeting - 7:00 PM  

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Open Sharing Session                         


Sibling Group Online Video Meeting - 7:30 PM  

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Favorite Things About Your Sibling

Wednesday, 10/22/25

7:00 PM


Online Video Meeting    

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Reintegrating Into the Workplace                       

Monday, 11/3/25

7:00 PM

In-Person Meeting

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  Staying Connected to Our Children                         

Wednesday, 11/19/25

In-Person Meeting - 7:00 PM

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Facing the Holidays


Sibling Group Online Video Meeting - 7:30 PM

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic: Remaking Holiday Traditions                         


7:00 PM

Online Video Meeting   

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Open Sharing Session                      

Monday, 12/1/25

7:00 PM

In-Person Meeting

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Sibling Panel Presentation                        

Sunday, 12/14/25

6:30 PM


Wednesday, 12/17/25

In-Person Meeting - 7:00 PM  

Please contact if you would like to attend

Topic:  Facing a New Year


Sibling Group Online Video Meeting 7:30 PM  

Please contact if you would like to attend 

Topic:  Self Care After a Loss                       

Wednesday, 12/24/25

7:00 PM

Online Video Meeting 

Please contact if you would like to attend  

Topic:  Open Sharing Session